Along with the above form, video submissions are required in the Worship Team Application process. Below are the music requirements for each category applicable to your musical ability. If you have indicated on the application form that you can both sing and play an instrument, please submit both vocal and musical instrument requirements. Please note, that without video submissions your application is incomplete.
Once requested, a personal submission link will be sent to the email indicated on the application form. Please allow for one business day before access to your personalized Google Drive link.
***Please note*** When recording your video (iPhone quality is acceptable) be sure that your vocal or instrument is higher in volume that the MP3 you are playing along too. Singers, please make sure that your entire body is in shot of the camera and you are looking at the camera so we can evaluate breathing, posture, countenance, etc... Musicians please make sure that you and your instrument are viewable in the camera shot and we can see both hands as it pertains to strumming, fingering, picking, etc...